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Dental tools and a plaster model of a lower jaw

Orthodontic appliances

QX Ortho Lab Ltd can manufacture high quality orthodontic appliances and provide a range of other orthodontic laboratory services. Contact our expert team in Leyton today for more information.

middle aged woman browsing on laptop

Find the forms you need and more

We want to make the process of using our services as smooth and simple as possible. You can download the postage form and lab docket from this page id required. You will also find links to our General Dental Council registration.


If you require more information, or have any questions to ask us, please contact the team today. We’ll be happy to help.

Forms and links

Get in touch

Make QX Ortho Lab Ltd your first choice for orthodontic appliances in London. Contact our Leyton laboratory and office today to find out more about how we can help your dental practice.

Or send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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